The three biggest reasons we don't apply for a job or mess up the interview are lack of confidence, lack of knowledge and taking no action
This course is designed to get you back into work by giving you a life-style plan and laying out the path to being offered a job. The course is also a must have if you are looking for promotion or another job to better yourself. Written in everyday language and easy to follow we have included self assessment questionnaires, motivational cards to print off and handy prompt sheets.
The course will take about 4 hours to complete if you go straight through but it is much better to take your time and then you will absorb everything, gain confident, self-esteem and success. It's recommended that you watch each lecture and carry out the suggestions and instructions.
The course is divided into two parts. The first is all about getting your life sorted so you are working 100% towards getting that job. Getting a new daily routine in place and following it will help you focus on getting a job. Part Two is the process of getting that job. This is broken down into three main sections: seeking vacancies, applying and getting the interview: and finally the interview itself.
Every journey starts with a single step. Take that first step by buying this course right now. And if you work hard and take enthusiastic action you will soon have a job or certainly be on the right track.
Your Instructor

With over 40 years experience at the University of Life, Mike has a wide range of people skills and has been cinema manager, Salesman, Manager and National Sales Manager for small and Blue Chip Companies. He has had several businesses over the last 25 years and has been a sales trainer, run motivational and self-esteem, marketing, health & safety and disability access courses across the UK.
He is currently managing director of Swan TV, a new internet tv station, runs a meals-on-wheels business, and carries out health and safety and disability training and consultation. Recently he was successfully running courses for unemployed people and English as a second language for students wishing to raise their language level to gain admission at UK universities. He believes that the majority of people want to improve their lives and lifetime learning is the opportunity to either learn a new skill or teach something that you are passionate about.
He is a film-maker and has presented his own on-line weekly radio show. He is interested in gardening, painting and writing and said "The internet has brought such huge opportunities to anyone who wants to start their own business, promote a cause or engage with others across the world with the same passions, interests and questions. It is becoming easier by the day to create your own space and success here."
He claims to be the original Gemini Man with a wide range of interests. See his full bio on LinkedIn.
Frequently Asked Questions
Mike Leahy ran successful courses in areas of Wales in the UK where unemployment was very high. This course helped students who hadn't worked for several years
This course has a section on self-esteem and confidence building. Everyone suffers nerves but following this course you will actually enjoy interviews and this will help in all aspects of your life
The course is broken down into short videos that explain everything. There is a downloadable e-book as well. We suggest you download the book and use it alongside the videos. There are some questionnaires too so fill these out. Only you read them. By completing them you will get used to completing application forms and improve your writing
Mike Leahy is pleased to answer and emails but better still he will welcome discussing any query on Skype with you. Often face to face talking will give you both a better understanding and give you that confidence you might need before an interview
We are being told that more and more people are in employment almost daily. This might be true but many are poorly paid and often zero or low hour contracts that mean you need at least two jobs and often more to have a modest income. Why be happy with this when you can get a good job by following the programme.
Now is the time to make that decision and hen go for it. Your goal may be to get a job but you should concentrate on following a system that gives you tasks to carry out and before long you will have reached that goal. Here you'll find all the tools to get a good programme in place. Start today. Every success starts with a single step. Take that step by signing up now.
I am always here to help you and once you are on the course I'll be pleased to answer your queries and talk to you via Whatsapp or Skype.